Slow Trail into Mystery
Natural imagery is used throughout the exhibition, from macro, cosmic depictions of sun, moon, earth, skies, landscapes, seas, weather and wind to a micro-level that suggests fish, birds, flowers, plants, animals and shells. Humankind appears in various guises as, semi-abstract jigsaw pieces, life-studies and a realistically painted figure of childhood innocence, all in an environment where creative energy connects them to all things in nature.
The accidental pattern in both nature and familiar things around me has attracted my eye for as long as I can remember. I was experimental in my approach to materials.
I combined paint, print, frottage, rubbings, drips and textures for the excitement of the unexpected outcome. While planning and thinking about ‘Slow Trail into Mystery’ I had the joy of much of my earliest artistic wanderings coming to fruition. In my use of materials, I have attempted to express nature’s inexhaustible abundance, and humankind’s destructive abuse of our world. The theme of the exhibition is one of limitless possibilities addressing, as it does, The Human Condition.
In water-based marbling I found a secret affinity with the magical, rich and varied shapes embodying the organic qualities of water, plants and animals. It gave me a visual language that was suitably out of my control. I later employed a wide variety of different inks and acrylics, using materials in relief, with the background canvas offering an alternative level and with different thicknesses of paper adding the subtlety that somehow met the needs of the scope of my endeavour.
‘OUT OF CHAOS’. The Universe evolved some 13.8 billion years ago. It is beyond our human consciousness to comprehend the cosmic unfolding which is forever evolving outwards encompassing everything and everyone.
‘ENERGY’. The gift of our Sun, exquisitely timed in temperature and balance keeps us fed and alive.
‘THE WORLD IS ALIVE’. Red is used as a metaphor for the mysterious moving energy that hatched life in our oceans.
‘COMPLEXITY’. Every plant, animal, insect and flower bursts forth in a riot of colour. The red mosaic-like background, suggests order and chaos in this mathematical grid-like mosaic.
‘INCARNATION’. Divine Breath exhales blessings and fertility in holistic connectivity of all tissues within the body and the Cosmos.
‘ABYSS’. Greed, corruption and power rule in this depressive wasteland. Though the heart is sullied, the symbolic white on his sleeve suggests a growing consciousness towards atonement and hope.
‘DENIAL’. Cowering in a cave of our own making, we hide from ourselves. Liberation awaits us as ‘Brother Sun’ and ‘Sister Moon’ invite us out to play.
‘STRUGGLE’. Colour is used symbolically - red for great passion, love and suffering - green as everything to do with nature. A silver and gold back-ground resonate protective, ever-present energy.
‘MOTHER EARTH’. We weep with Mother Earth as the contorted ‘Wave Off Kanagawa’ is battered by the elements into a deluge.
‘WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE’. Here there is disorder, powerlessness and vulnerability. The monochromatic figure of Christ shares the despair and symbolises hope for the future.
‘MY HOME’. The roots of this great conch lie in the sea and open out to the sky. Images suggest a European and Irish culture. But time and place are worldwide in a global timelessness.
‘EVERYTHING BELONGS’. This panel comprises random cuttings of artworks of over half a century and is an allegory for each life story. As humans, everything belongs and matters. We are who we are because of the gift of life.
‘RENEW THE FACE OF THE EARTH’. This is a celebratory image of connectivity, cooperation and energy that already exists in the work of good people. It’s frenetic movement and rhythm creates a sense of great urgency and the possibility of great joy.
‘I TOO CAN FLY’. Magritte’s ‘Sky Birds’ suggest flying Angels unifying childlike innocence, at one with a natural setting. There is the possibility of our resurrection at every given moment to live in the glory of the now.