It was an exciting time to be in, ‘Swinging London’. Revolution in fashion, music and pop culture intermingled with a fascination for black reggae music, Pop art and psychedelic all led to a pervading sense of freedom.
I learned a lot about oil painting from Ruskin Spear in Hammersmith Art college which brought great joy into my life. It was a creative time but not an easy time. I taught, mixed-race children in sub-standard conditions within their own school environments. Teaching was an ongoing challenge. These experiences were later to inform my sense of unfairness and compassion for marginalised children and influenced much of my thinking.
I loved our flat in King’s Avenue and delighted in painting the large unruly garden. I did a number of interior studies in pastel and sketched, any opportunity I got, in Clapham Common.

Relationship 1972

'Street of London' 1972


'Incarnation' 1971, Gouache, 47 x 33 cm