Seascapes 1971 - 1975
My earliest seascapes were painted when we returned from London in 1975 during a magical year spent living in a house on the beach in Castletown, Co. Wexford. Its porch, then my studio, looked out to sea and towards Tara Hill, which dominates the skyline to the right. I painted in all-weather facilitated by the rhythms of a new baby. Pushing a pram along the cliff edge my closeness to nature was exhilarating having spent a number of years living in a built-up environment.
I used gouache, pastel and charcoal as I worked quickly in order to capture the fleeting and changing lights of sun-sets, sun-rises, and the amazing tonal variances of Irish weather - thus started a serious engagement with seascapes, which continued on and off throughout the following years - changing to the use of varied materials and mixed media as time moved on.
‘Pastel, From Tara Hill Collection’ 1975 35 x 25 cm
Rocks Arklow North
Sandeel Bay, Wexford
Ballintoy, Antrim Coast